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The Loss of a Friend

We lost a leader, mentor, friend and gentleman this week. Tim Robinson who served as EVP from 1991-2000 and was a proprietor and host of many tournaments at his site at Willow Bend Lake in Greenville, TX passed away this week. He was instrumental throughout the region with his involvement in collegiate and all levels of events including pro and novice events during his active years with AWSA. For many of us, his automated trick horn was the standard for tournaments and some sites still maintain his equipment for events even today. His legacy includes being a nationally recognized Sr. Judge, Sr. Driver and Technical Controller. To many, he was one of the best drivers in Texas prior to the advent of PerfectPass and ZeroOff.

Please keep Karolyn, Tim's family, friends and those that shared his love of waterskiing in your thoughts and prayers.

Details and arrangements will be shared here as they become available.

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