Here's a list of links from each of our active NCWSA teams with descriptions on how to donate. Feel free to share.
Baylor Arkansas In the first section, “About My Gift,” mark the designation for Student Affairs. Under the last section, ‘My Comments,’ specify "water ski club." UT Austin In the search bar, type in Water Ski and select “RecSports-UT Water Ski Team” The right side of the screen will show where your funds are designated. TAMU Under “Select a Unit or College,” choose “Division of Student Affairs.” Under “Select a Department or Account” choose Recreational Sports. Under “Select an Account” choose “Texas A&M Water Ski Club Endowment” TXST Select “Water Ski Sport Club” in the second drop down menu ULL ULM Additionally, the NCWSA - SCR is working to put up a "team store" on our website (, where anyone can buy T-shirts or other merchandise from any of our teams and there will be a donation page available as well. Aside from monetary donations, equipment donations are huge, especially for the newer teams that are starting from the ground up. The conference is actively trying to build teams from the contacts that they have at Texas Tech University, Southern Methodist University, Mississippi State University, Oklahoma State University, and Louisiana State University. The All Stars event is coming up May 20-22, 2022 in Harmony, NC. A GoFundMe page to help lower the individual costs for our skiers is available. Here's the link: If you have any questions, feel free to contact the NCWSA - SCR Fallon Sheffield Secretary - NCWSA South Central Region (512) 999-1010