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Sanctioning Time - UPDATE

I have been monitoring the events calendar and many of the other regions are already posting and approving events. The AWSA Executive board has worked to meet IWWF and USOPC expectations by reducing some of the early sanction concerns. At this point, sanctioning requirements should not see any changes or impacts for 2022.

Please start submitting events so we can lock the approved dates. Be careful to only submit once as I have seen a number of duplicate sanctions, but even that can be corrected.

There is an interface with the IWWF Calendar that needs our attention. On the sanction creation page, there is a drop-down list of types of events. Please select the appropriate category of tournament when creating your sanction.

The categories are:

  • National (for National championship)

  • Regional (for Regional championship)

  • US Resident (as implied, but not used often in the US)

  • US and Foreign Entrants (used for most events and will provide IWWF placement on the calendar if L or R events are listed)

  • Club (a closed event, again not used often but is an IWWF type event that is not used in the US often)

  • IWWF Pro Tour (cash prize event, does NOT require L or R to be listed on the calendar)

All tournaments will require USWSWS (AWSA) membership, so none of these designations impact the responsibilities of the LOC. Using the Online Registration (OLR) is recommended to help confirm membership status. I recommend selecting US and Foreign Entrants unless you are doing a Pro Tour event, even if it is not a record event. If you have a skier join AWSA on site and they are a new member, the Safesport requirement has a 30 day grace period, which should help get new people involved.

If you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate to reach out.


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